Friday, March 11, 2011

concentration 52, no repeat

or hesitation, category is: blogz.

clap snap snap snap

i've been hesitant to start a blog because of the inevitability that i will spend hours messing with the layout like it's my own sim family kitchen. but, i figured, since i'm grounded on a friday night (catastrophe of the centuryYyyy) i guess i'd decided that tonight was perfect for introducing my sass n' wit to the realms of the internet..

 but really what i mean is that innate new jersey turnpike sass or that kind you get from having a name that means angry.

things i've wanted to blog about before but didn't:
 - an oral history of the syrian regime as in translating what family members have to say about how it screwed us over, hence the blog title sooreeya (which i sort of stole from berea)
- a blog of uncomfortable moments/ tiny bits alienation but luckily that already exists, which is awesome.
- tribute to stephanie tanner
- photo blog of women that i really dig

so why not combine all of the above into one package for the whole family!


  1. Family packages are what I'm all about sistagurl.

    missyoulovelyou wondering why you weren't at frensikss.
    why you grounded bb?

