Sunday, April 17, 2011

the butterfly effect

Holey moley.
Week of HELL YES moments for this little lady:

Last Saturday, I made it to World finals with my Odyssey of the Mind team. Monday I found out that I made graduation speaker. I also learned that I got the Governor's Scholarship and can go to the U of A or Hendrix for free. I got 1st place in an on-site poetry contest at ASPA and 1st place for my poem "Scrolls" in last year's magazine. I got my licence. At the tournament of champions on Saturday, I won 2nd for my oratory on Horeeya in Soreeya.

After Mrs. Dade judged my oratory, she explained to me that on a cosmic level, we were there with the protesters in Syria.  She said, "We have clean air, clean water, more than enough food. And yet so many of us are agitated and unhappy. I'm telling you. For every action there's a reaction--it's that 'butterfly effect'. Their struggles are affecting us everyday, stirring us up." I love that woman.

Saturday was Ladiez night and I stomped my feet, had girl power springtime adventures and cuddliod with some o my fave gals. 

I awoke this morning to warmness and the essays of Zadi Smith at Saba's house, where her mom brought us breakfast in bed and by that I mean on the floor (my favorite in the world!) Sunday was spent with my beautiful friends, hours upon hours of meaningful B-boy-free conversation and cinna-stack pancakes. I came to terms with going to the U of A. But then, lo and behold! The mouth of a river at length came into view-- I opened my email to discover that I have a full-ride scholarship to a liberal art's women's college in Atlanta, Georgia.

A few weeks ago, I was bursting into tears every few days, not knowing why. And now I'm excited, impressed, on the verge of emancipation. To quote the be-good tanyas: It's the human thing.
